
Emilio Pucci 為佛羅倫斯觀光地標穿上新衣囉!
一起來看看國際時尚編輯Suzy Menkes蘇西曼奇斯的相關報導吧!

Pucci’s monumental installation: Emilio Pucci “dresses” the Baptistery of San Giovanni with the colours and graphics of the Battistero scarf Pucci的紀念碑裝置:Emilio Pucci用「大教堂」方巾的色彩和圖案「裝扮」聖喬瓦尼洗禮堂。

Like a colourful chocolate box trussed up for presentation, the vivid colours and patterns of a Pucci scarf stand out against the towering dome and marble façade of Florence’s ‘Duomo’.
Only ‘Emilio’ scribbled on the colourful covering of the Baptistery reveals the story to bemused tourists.

A giant size portrayal of the original framed scarf displayed on one side of the Baptistery of San Giovanni.
‘Monumental Pucci’ is an art work to celebrate the 60th anniversary of ‘Firenze: Hometown of Fashion’. Its origin is an actual scarf designed by the Marchese Emilio Pucci in 1957 with a print of an aerial view of the Piazza San Giovanni.
「Pucci里程碑」是為慶祝「時尚之都佛羅倫斯」60周年盛典而創作的藝術品。其原型是Emilio Pucci侯爵1957年設計的一條方巾,上面印著聖喬瓦尼廣場的鳥瞰圖。

Emilio Pucci’s daughter and CEO Laudomia with Suzy Emilio Pucci之女、品牌首席執行官Laudomia與Suzy Inside the Palazzo Pucci, where I still remember meeting Emilio himself, dressed in his Florentine costume for a parade, his daughter Laudomia, CEO and keeper of the Pucci flame, told me the story.
Emilio的女兒、品牌傳承者、現任首席執行官Laudomia在Pucci宮(Palazzo Pucci)

Palazzo Pucci opened its doors for  the ‘Design the Dream’  experience  Pucci宮推出「設計夢想」主題體驗
‘’All the details are correct,’’ Laudomia said, running her fingers across the three dimensional drawing for the original ‘Battistero’ scarf. The architectural accuracy printed on the soft-flowing silk revealed the skill of Emilio Pucci and explained why the colourful patterns in the palazzo, from rounded 1960’s chairs to 1970’s terry towel beach robes, look so modern today. It would have been her father Emilio Pucci’s 100th birthday later this year.
「所有細節都是準確的,」Laudomia指著大教堂方巾原型的3D圖片說道。印在柔滑絲綢上的精准建築細節體現了Emilio Pucci的精湛設計工藝,也解釋了為何這些五顏六色的六、七十年代座椅和海灘浴袍圖案,在今天看來依舊摩登。父親Emilio Pucci的百年誕辰將在今年下半年。

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